Kaleidoscope Creation L


Custom kaleidoscopes are exquisite works of art that not only provide visual interaction and sensation, but also impart a means of self-reflection as they reflect the ever-changing process and cycle of life in general. Like a kaleidoscope's patterns, each day is a new creation, one comprised of continuously changing events, sights and perceptions. Kaleidoscope Creations specializes in creative, vivid colors and specialty styles.

Welcome to my online shop, Kaleidoscope Wear! We make “Wearable Art for the Inner Hue”, by custom design or a selection of ready-to-wear items. Feel free to browse while the site is under construction, and check back soon for updates. In the meantime you can visit my Etsy shop: etsy.com/kaleidoscopewear, or my Facebook page: facebook.com/kaleidoscopewear. A quick way to contact me for info on ordering a custom creation of wearable art or a readymade garment, is to email me at ellensummer@comcast.net.


Kaleidoscope Creator Software

Kaleidoscope Creation L

Kaleidoscope Creation Logo

Kaleidoscope creator software

Here is one of my favorite photos, of the lovely Harp Twins, wearing the twin coats they commissioned for their music video, “Nemo”, which can be seen on youtube.

Kaleidoscope Creation Lesson

  • Shop Creation L at Kaleidoscope for the latest trends in ladies' fashion, including occasion wear, coats, accessories, lingerie, nightwear & swimwear Gifts365 Lascana.
  • Kaleidoscope Creations. Struggling to get motivated with my sewing but got my mojo back now I have a new overlocker. First item made almost entirely on the overlocker except the sewing on of the pocket and the seam around the neck channel for the cord. Like Comment Share.