Minitube Youtube

Minitube is an open source applications that offers you the possibility to browse Youtube videos and play them wothout having to access the website itself.
Search is the strong point of the program because it is the main way to find and play videos. Search for any term and you'll see the list of results. Then, choose one of them and view it. Exactly as if you where browsing the rel website, but in a different and more intuitive interface.
You can configure video playing properties, choose the preset size or if it will open in a new window or in fullscreen.
By this way, Minitube becomes a good choice to browse Youtube videos in a different way.

Minitube Usa Phone

  • Minitube YouTube app Watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube is not about cloning the YouTube website, it aims to create a new TV-like experience.
  • When you install Minitube, all you have is a desktop client with a large search box. Type in your search term and Minitube will suggest some predictions for you to try. Results are returned instantly and you can view videos normally as you would in YouTube.
  • Minitube is a YouTube desktop application. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube aims to create a TV-like experience. It automatically plays videos one after another, so sit back and enjoy.By consuming less CPU, Minitube preserves battery life and keeps your laptop cool.
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Minitube Youtube Downloader

Minitube is really good for a sitback and enjoy experience, but it doesn’t log you into your Youtube account, so you won’t be able to access your saved playlist, nor save your currently playing playlist. In addition, it only works for Youtube video, so if your favorite videos are at different video hosting site, you are out of luck.